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Tom Lynch
Mar 11, 20231 min read
Behavioural Safety and Incentives
Many organisational senior management programmes, employ some type of incentive process. Incentives may or may not work in certain...
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Tom Lynch
Feb 26, 20233 min read
47 Safety Intervention Types and their perceived effectiveness!
Some excellent research that might help with workplace conversations on the suitability of interventions in your workplace, undertaken by...
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Tom Lynch
Feb 4, 20232 min read
Safety 1 to Safety 2 and the implementation of BBS
As organisations strive to improve their health and safety record, many are turning to the concept of behaviour-based safety as a way of...
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Tom Lynch
Feb 4, 20231 min read
Communication, Autonomy and Behaviour
If you want to have a significant impact on behaviour in your workplace, management must consider the importance of communication and...
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Tom Lynch
Feb 4, 20232 min read
Intergroup biases undermine productivity
You can combine the following strategies in various ways to lessen intergroup bias: Boost understanding of the problem. You may, for...
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Tom Lynch
Nov 25, 20221 min read
Psychological Safety - Deming to Edmondson
Psychological safety (PS) as a construct has been studied by academia, industry and the various media strata for suitability, weaknesses...
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Tom Lynch
Oct 24, 20222 min read
Dialogue and understanding both underpin BBS processes
In recent years, the concept of behaviour-based safety (BBS) has gained increasing attention in the field of occupational health and...
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Tom Lynch
Sep 4, 20221 min read
Employee engagement is driven by BBS.
Over one-third of employees are either not engaged or actively disengaged in their work, based on 67,000 interviews, with nearly half...
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Tom Lynch
Aug 20, 20222 min read
Why BBS works and why it doesn't?
While BBS is a well researched, and long established process, first emerging iat the start of the 1980s, applying the work of behavioral...
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Tom Lynch
Aug 14, 20222 min read
The Global War on Error: the response trap and accountability!
There are two fundamental pathways to error prevention, the mechanical/mechanistic, and the human aspect. So can interventions or...
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Tom Lynch
Jun 28, 20222 min read
Culture will always eat the unwary Behavioural Safety Consultant
If an organisation decides to go the route of using an external consultant to support a behaviour based safety programme. One of the...
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Tom Lynch
Jun 22, 20221 min read
Behavioural safety success criteria, can't just be limited to safe behaviours! (Part 2)
The majority of behavioural safety observations are directed at the those with the least amount of influence on the conditions of work...
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Tom Lynch
Jun 14, 20223 min read
The journey from Three Mile Island to Risø - a tale of two nuclear facilities
Human error is frequently cited as a contributing factor in accidents, but what is it really? It was not until the Three Mile Island...
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Tom Lynch
May 17, 20222 min read
Behavioural safety success criteria, can't just be limited to safe behaviours! (Part 1)
Programmes promoting safe behavior that focus on identifying and "fixing" risky behavior, will often fail as they don't consider the...
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Tom Lynch
Apr 15, 20221 min read
Learning Teams and how they drive safety improvements.
Learning Teams are effective in many workplaces because of their flexibility and their ability to generate bespoke reflective business...
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Tom Lynch
Mar 20, 20222 min read
Tried BBS but it didn't quite work, maybe you just need one of these add ons
We think that a comprehensive program is the best way to approach cultural safety. But because we're realists, we know that sometimes you...
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Tom Lynch
Mar 19, 20222 min read
Culture, really
Social units are themselves challenging to define unambiguously, when we apply the concept of culture to groups, organizations, and jobs,...
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Tom Lynch
Mar 2, 20221 min read
Communication and Schein (30 Suggestions)
Edgar Schein is a renowned author and consultant on organisational culture and leadership. Effective communication is a critical...
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Tom Lynch
Mar 2, 20221 min read
The ABC Model in BBS or whatever you want yourself (Part 2)
Prioritise from the possible to the probable BI Plan, Stages and Champion Responsibility for the stages and any adaptations that may be...
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Tom Lynch
Mar 1, 20221 min read
The ABC Model in BBS or whatever you want yourself (Part 1)
Safety 1 is the foundation for a successful Safety 2 A culture that promotes (Schein, Ancona & Isaacs, etc.) Psychological Safety...
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