Safety 1 is the foundation for a successful Safety 2
A culture that promotes (Schein, Ancona & Isaacs, etc.)
Psychological Safety (Edmondson, Deming, etc.
Open Communication/Feedback (Dekker, Provan, etc.)
Get the information flowing, follow up and close out (checklists and find/fix reports)
Visible/Tangible Management commitment and engaging interactions:
No nesting on data, its only value is in its timeliness
Typical BBS – the Antecedent-Behaviour-Consequence (ABC) model
Cognitive behavioural science suggests that (A) the Antecedent or catalyst reveals possible behavioural causes/triggers.
(B) Behaviour, an action which is observable/measurable.
(C) Consequence, the positive or negative outcome of the behaviour.
Run a Learning Team (cross-discipline, area of concern and other experienced persons – pose Q, then soak time, begin)
Identify critical behaviours for success/failure.
Themes/patterns and codes for what people think
Could there be:
Lead indicators underpinning behaviours of interest
Unmet needs among the teams (resources, competence, comprehension – GAP Analysis can be useful
Informal leaders and stakeholders
What does success look like, consider a number of possibilities and their EAST or APEASE
Can we develop a checklist and simplify it to guide observers and the observed in the agreed channels?
Develop a resource to consider checklist data and the observed behaviours
Shortlist the most productive solutions – APEASE and consider PESTELEM