Behaviour-Based Safety or Behavior Based Safety (BBS) is a procedure that uses safety observations to inform management and employees about the workplace's overall safety. BBS is designed to draw employees' attention to their own and their co-workers' regular safety habits. The BBS program's purpose is to boost the organisation's employee safety.
Measuring the performance of BBS systems is difficult, and it necessitates a continuous and real-time evaluation of the observation data gathered by your observers. By improving the ratio of safe observations to unsafe observations, (the number of safe/unsafe observations divided by the total number of observations completed). The goal for your safety professionals is to understand why safe work happens and to help minimize risky behaviours. This can be done by focusing on those teams that have a high percentage of unsafe behaviours and creating an environment for the implementation of the safe behaviours identified by the stakeholders.
As the number of safe behaviours grows or spreads through the organisation, this leading metric will tend to reduce the lagging negative metrics. Clarity of expectation and communication is vital to ensure the success of your BBS process.
