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Writer's pictureTom Lynch

Simplify and Understand - SAFE (Part 1)

Make it Simple

Utilise the influence of defaults. Since it is simple to choose the default or pre-set option, we have a strong propensity to do so. Making a choice the default increases its likelihood of being used.

Lessen the "hassle factor" associated with using a service. People are frequently deterred from acting when it takes effort. Uptake or response rates might rise if the effort is reduced. Make messages clearer. Communication response rates frequently rise significantly when the message is made clear. Finding out how a complicated goal may be broken down into simpler, easier activities is particularly helpful.

Make it Appealing

Get people's attention. When something grabs our attention, we are more likely to act on it. Using graphics, color, or personalization are some ways to achieve this. Create prizes and punishments for the most impact. Although alternative incentive designs, like lotteries, also function well and are frequently less expensive, financial rewards are frequently quite effective.

Make it Familiar

Show that the majority of individuals engage in the desired behavior by making it social. Providing an example of what the majority of people do in a specific circumstance inspires others to follow suit. Similar to this, policymakers should be cautious about unintentionally encouraging a dangerous behavior by highlighting its widespread use.

Utilize the strength of networks. We are a part of a social network, and the people we interact with influence the way we behave.

Governments can support networks to facilitate group action, create mutual aid, and promote peer-to-peer behavior.

Motivate individuals to devote to others. To voluntarily "lock ourselves" into doing something in advance, we frequently utilize commitment devices. These obligations' social aspects are frequently significant.

Make it Easy

Alert individuals when they are most likely to be receptive. The degree of success of the identical offer presented at various times can vary greatly.

When routines have already been broken, as is the case during significant life events, behavior is typically simpler to alter.

Think on the immediate expenses and rewards. Costs and benefits supplied sooner rather than later have a greater impact on us. Given their influence, policymakers should think about adjusting the immediate costs or advantages, even just a little.

Assist people in organizing how to react to circumstances. Between intentions and behavior, there is a wide disparity. Prompting individuals to identify the obstacles to action and create a concrete plan to overcome them is a tried-and-true solution.

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